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Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

martin wrote:

Sorry. I'm still bit confused. However it seems that althought you claim your server to support UTF-8 (what server it is, BTW?), it incorrectly converts server-side codepage to UTF-8.

Well, leave it alone. I will devise smth.

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

Sorry. I'm still bit confused. However it seems that althought you claim your server to support UTF-8 (what server it is, BTW?), it incorrectly converts server-side codepage to UTF-8.

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

martin wrote:

Sorry, I do not understand. What do you mean by "that it chose missing codepage" and "but not in their place"?

1. "chose missing codepage": It looks like this. I.e. when somebody try see text, that is in koi8-r, with cp1251.
2. "not in their place" is that, what forms after paragraph 1 operation. If you can see different encodings i can demonstrate this:

In koi8-r the letters are:
but in cp1251 this letters are

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

My server support UTF-8 and WinSCP display russian letters, but effect is such, that it chose missing codepage. For example, like reading files in koi8-r with cp1251: all letters are russian, but not in their place...

Sorry, I do not understand. What do you mean by "that it chose missing codepage" and "but not in their place"?

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

martin wrote:

SFTP specification requires that the server supports UTF-8 encoding. WinSCP supports that. If your server does not, ask its authors to implement it :-)

My server support UTF-8 and WinSCP display russian letters, but effect is such, that it chose missing codepage. For example, like reading files in koi8-r with cp1251: all letters are russian, but not in their place...

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

SFTP specification requires that the server supports UTF-8 encoding. WinSCP supports that. If your server does not, ask its authors to implement it :-)

Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

martin wrote:

What protocol do you use? SFTP or SCP?


Re: Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

What protocol do you use? SFTP or SCP?

Unix2Windows charsets mismatch

Hi all!
My server is FreeBSD with KOI8-R charset (FreeBSD 6.0). When I connect to this host with WinSCP (3.8.0 build 312) from WinXP I see filenames in wrong, for example, russian encoding, but I can't select right server's charset in WinSCP. Can WinSCP do it or not?
Tim V Andrew