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Topic review


Just add at the end of the path the "\" simbold, example:get myfile200601.txt f:\source\temp_transmission\


Re: WinSCP command script problem with GET command

ken wrote:

get myfile200601.txt f:\

This means download file myfile200601.txt to directory f:\ under the same name.

get myfile200601.txt f:\source\temp_transmission

This means download file myfile200601.txt to directory f:\source\ under name temp_transmission. There is probably already subdirectory temp_transmission, which makes the download fail.

WinSCP command script problem with GET command

Why does WinSCP properly handle this command:
get myfile200601.txt f:\

but not this one?
get myfile200601.txt f:\source\temp_transmission

- the response found in the log is:
. 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 File: "/out/myfile200601.txt"
. 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 Copying "/out/myfile200601.txt" to local directory started.
. 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 Binary transfer mode selected.
* 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 (ExtException)
. 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 Asking user:
. 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 'f:\source\temp_transmission' is not file! ()
* 2006-01-09 11:32:43.634 (EScpSkipFile) 'f:\source\Temp_Transmission' is not file!