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Topic review



That would be great. I realize it's probably a rare case, but it would be a nice feature.

And thanks again for such a great product!

Re: Confirmation when dragging onto icon

Excalibur22 wrote:

My question: is there a way to skip this copy confirmation? In other words, if I wanted my icon to represent a particular directory that I always drag/upload files to (like a drop box), can I have it not prompt me for confirmation before uploading? I tried setting a default remote directory in the session, but I still got a confirmation when dragging files onto the session icon.

No. I may add it to the next version.

Re: Confirmation when dragging onto icon

BTW, I do have the Drag & Drop confirmation unchecked. If the session is already open and I drag a file, no confirmation shows up. But if the session is not open yet and I drag a file to the session icon (on my desktop), I get a confirmation dialog. I realize this confirmation is necessary to choose the remote destination, but I would like to use a defult remote destination to avoid the dialog.


Confirmation when dragging onto icon

Sorry to bump an old topic, but I figured this was better than starting a new one...

I have an icon that opens a saved session just fine. In fact, I can drag files onto the icon and this opens the session and prompts me to upload the files.

My question: is there a way to skip this copy confirmation? In other words, if I wanted my icon to represent a particular directory that I always drag/upload files to (like a drop box), can I have it not prompt me for confirmation before uploading? I tried setting a default remote directory in the session, but I still got a confirmation when dragging files onto the session icon.

BTW, excellent program. Thanks for all of your work!

Re: Drag and drop icon option

You need to create icon with command "winscp3.exe <sessionname> /upload". I.e. the same one WinSCP creates for "Send To" menu, just on the desktop.

Drag and drop icon option

Hello, is there anyway to create an icon onto the desktop, so when a user wants to upload files to a server, they can just drag the files onto the icon? And yes, I do realize you could open up the actual session window and drag the files to the server, but the person I work for wants me to figure out this particular option. Thanks