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Re: Google cloud uses 100% renewable energy!

OK, thanks for the explanation.

Re: Google cloud uses 100% renewable energy!

I guess it depends on how much you are willing to make own sacrifices in the name of our climate crises?

If you really wanna do you part, only support environment-friendly cloud storage providers and decline request for non-environment-friendly cloud services e.g. for Blackblaze.

Hopefully that will make some reconsider there choice of cloud storage provider. And perhaps even push pressure on other non-environment-friendly providers, when the WinSCP make a stand on this matter ;-)

You are in a unique situation by having created the most impressive, respected and used SFTP tool in the world.

Re: Google cloud uses 100% renewable energy!

Thanks for sharing this.
Though, what is your request?

Google cloud uses 100% renewable energy!

To my surprise I now see AWS S3 is now supported in just gets better and better!

But did you all know that Google data centers only use renewable energy?

I just recently discovered that.

In my own software projects I will from now on only have support for CO2 neutral cloud storage providers (now that one exist), I've removed support for AWS and DigitalOcean.

We all have to do an effort to move in a better direction.