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Topic review


Re: Too much parameter

It is required to pass the path between double quotes -privatekey="..."
Try something like this:
open <username>@<sftp.server> -privatekey="<path-to-your-ppk-file>"
Pradip Kumar Nayak

Getting Error like [Too many parameters for command 'open']

I am using WinSCP version 4.2.8.
When I execute the attached script file I got an error message
Too many parameters for command 'open'

Please help me to execute the script.
Thank you in advance.

Regards, Pradip

Re: Too much parameter

@why: You are probably using an old version of WinSCP. The parameter is supported since 4.1.x only.

Too much parameter

Why! I'm using in script .txt
open sftp://<user>@<host> -privatekey=<privatekey Name>.ppk

It errors
Too many parameters for command 'open'.

Re: how can i include private key in the open command

Edit 2023: Use -privatekey switch:
open -privatekey=mykey.ppk s

Old obsolete answer:
You have several options:

How can I include private key in the open command

I would like open a new session using the private key

I don't see an option to include private key in the above command, I would like to automate the script I do not want to use GUI. I would appreciate if some can reply me. thank you.