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Re: where to save the script file to automating upload

nikon_logout wrote:

thank you for your reply. but how to point WinSCP to it?
I need to automating upload some files to server very day. can you give some suggestion?

winscp /script=c:\fullpath...\script.txt

Re: where to save the script file to automating upload

brudy wrote:

martin wrote:

Wherever you want. Just point WinSCP to it by /script switch.

thank you for your reply. but how to point WinSCP to it?
I need to automating upload some files to server very day. can you give some suggestion?

well i put the script.txt and automatedrun.cmd in main directory where the files will be each day ready for daily upload to the server ..... nikon at email dot cz

Re: where to save the script file to automating upload

martin wrote:

Wherever you want. Just point WinSCP to it by /script switch.

thank you for your reply. but how to point WinSCP to it?
I need to automating upload some files to server very day. can you give some suggestion?

Re: where to save the script file to automating upload

Wherever you want. Just point WinSCP to it by /script switch.

where to save the script file to automating upload

where to save the script file to automating upload? and in what extend name should the script be saved? thank you!