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Topic review


I do not have Access available. Can you reproduce the problem, in other Office applications?

I’m only able to close Microsoft Access through the Task Manager.
The X in the top right will nit close Access even not the menu file and exit.

Re: Using WinSCP sripting interface .NET wrapper in Microsoft Access will not close Access after use

What does it exactly mean "will not close"? How does it manifest?

Using WinSCP sripting interface .NET wrapper in Microsoft Access will not close Access after use

Hi, I'm using WinSCP inside of Microsoft Access VBA now for more than a year and the FTP functionality works great. The problem I have is, after using, Access will not close anymore. I have to close it through the Task Manager.
Example Code:
Sub FTPdownload()

  Dim mySession As New Session
  Dim mySessionOptions As New SessionOptions
  Dim CSVFile As String
  Dim FTPPath As String
  Call connect(mySessionOptions) mySessionOptions
  CSVFile = "order-latest.csv"
  FTPPath = "/store/order/output/order-latest"
  Call FTPdownload(mySession, FTPPath, CSVFile)
  Call doinport(CSVFile)
End Sub

Is there something I'm missing?
I open a session and I dispose the session.
What could cause Microsoft Access not to close after using that?

Thank you for your help.