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Topic review


WinSCP Status Code 4 -Error Messages


We have created a script to process file transfer using WinSCP from one domain to another. However, from time to time, we are getting Status Code with different error messages. We are still checking with the recipient domain (owned by different entity) if there is a size limit to the folder path that we can transfer to from our domain.

In any case, I am just wondering if you are familiar with the following error messages:

Status code: 4, Message: 2834, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 5650, Server: Failure, Language: (most common error)
Status code: 4, Message: 2066, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 5394, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 3090, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 2578, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 3602, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 5138, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 2578, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 4370, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 3858, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 2322, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 4626, Server: Failure, Language:
Status code: 4, Message: 3346, Server: Failure, Language:

Hope you can help me understand what the errors are as there is none from this winscp page:

Thank you.