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Re: Batch script hanging

JohnsonJohnPat wrote:

We started leaving a console session open logged on with the service account that runs the batch job. It has not hung since we started doing this. Is there something that winscp that is not available running as a batch/service?

I'm not aware of that.

Re: Batch script hanging

We started leaving a console session open logged on with the service account that runs the batch job. It has not hung since we started doing this. Is there something that winscp that is not available running as a batch/service?

We have "Access to console" enabled for the service.

Re: Batch script hanging

We have been unable to get the beta version installed due to company policy.

Is there anything else we could look at changing to make this exit gracefully. It is hanging using 100% of one CPU. Works some of the time.

Could it be having problems with zero byte files?
is there something other than "close" "exit" we should do?
IS there an other method to produce log results in the current release version?

Re: Batch script hanging

I would like to know on which command it hangs. At least :-)

Re: Batch script hanging

martin wrote:

Can you see anything from the log file?

It is a production system and I have to do change control. Hope to have this soon and will produce log file. Below is the command I am using
"c:\program files\winscp3\" user@server /command "option batch on" "option confirm off " "cd /prod/home/store/app/landing" "put D:\data\takeoff\FF-Exported230120066.csv" "close" "exit"

The script executes two sequention commands similar to the above to two different servers.

Re: Batch script hanging

Hi, We are also having the same problem. We have version 3.7.6 installed on Windows 2000 box. We have scheduled the script to run every 15 minutes. Some times, it hangs, 1-2 times in a two day period. I don't mind the hang as long as there is a way to kill it from within a script after certain wait interval. (Does any one know how ?) Right now the hung process causes the CPU usage to be 100% which is a very big problem.
Is new 3.8 beta version going to address this ! Thanks.

Re: Batch script hanging

Can you see anything from the log file?

Re: Batch script hanging

Is there anything else I can do to force winscp to exit?

Are there common reasons that it would hang?

The batch script ran friday 12 straight times then it hung. I will get the new version into production as soon as possible.

Re: Batch script hanging

JohnsonJohnPat wrote:

Is there a log file produced?

Use /log switch (available since 3.8 only).

Batch script hanging

I am calling winscp3 in a batch script with the /command parameter

The script is often hanging. I added the option batch on and option confirm on

The script ran successfully from the command line. But when scheduled. hangs about 1 of 6 times. Is there a log file produced?
