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Re: Having a really hard time with public key authentication - help requested!

But that article talks about C:\Users\username\.ssh, not /.ssh

Re: Having a really hard time with public key authentication - help requested!

martin wrote:

What do you mean by "/.ssh/authorized_keys file"? You are on Windows, there's no /.ssh. Actually there's no /.ssh even on *nix.

I am following this guide which clearly states that you need to create these files / folders when using windows. Please see section titled "Setting up SSH public key authentication" which lays out the steps of creating the .ssh folder and authorized_keys file in Windows.

Having a really hard time with public key authentication - help requested!

Hopefully someone who's a little more experienced in setting up sftp can lend a hand. I'm using server 2016, and I have followed the directions from this link here:

But no matter what I do, the server keeps rejecting my key. I used Puttygen to create a key pair. I copied the "public key" contents into my /.ssh/authorized_keys file. In Winscp, I went into the advanced options and set it to use my private key file under SSH > Authentication. My sshd_config located in C:\ProgramData\ssh is set for "PubkeyAuthentication yes" Password authentication is set to No (although it works fine when using password auth). the "AuthorizedKeysFile" section is set to /.ssh/authorized_keys. The permissions on the Authorized_keys file is set only for "The main account, administrators, and System" I really don't know where I'm going wrong here.. Any help is greatly appreciated!