Re: WINSCP Regsitry file Location
Hi I am planning to upgrade WINSCP from 5.1.6 to 5.17.3 on windows server 2008 R2 Servce pack1 OS Version .how can i save off the configuration storage as an ini file and make a copy, before installing the upgrade.Im unable to find the Registry file or INI file to make a copy of it now.
Though you do not need to do anything to preserve the configuration.
1)When I was My about to delete the winscp 5.x on my local machine it showed .ini file as well but when i installed 5.17.3 on my local machine and tried to delete the newer version it didnt show up while deletion .Do i need to restart my laptop to get the config.ini file or use WINSCP and run any commands to generate the .ini file ?
When you are uninstalling the old version, it shows a list of all potential locations of data stored by WinSCP, even those that do not actually exist. While the new version shows only the really existing locations.