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Re: addendum

Thanks for sharing your findings.



I have now reset MS Office 2016 to build 12624.20382 click-and-go and then the problems with WinSCP disappear. As soon as I switch back to build 12624.20442 or 12624.20466) I get the reference error again. I can set the reference correctly again, but with the next start of the application the reference error comes again. With build 12624.20382 everything is fine. But that is not the solution.


Broken reference in Access 2019 Database

We have a function in our Access database for transferring data via SFTP. This has been running without problems for over a year. Since the Microsoft Update April 2020 (Windows 10, 1909, 64-bit and Office 2019, 32-bit) we have received an error message when referring to WinSCPnet32.tlb. The specifications are documented in the attachment.

On a second PC with Win10, 1909, 64-bit and Office 2016, 32-bit there is no error message and everything is working properly.

Many thanks for your help.