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Re: StrictHostKeyChecking

I recently had this problem too. Just set the SSH Host keys on all systems in the cluster to the same key if possible. You lose a little security, but hosts in a clusters are supposed to be the same anyways.

Dawei wrote:

How / where can I put the StrictHostKeyChecking=no in the .ini file. I'm using winSCP 3.8.0 (build 312).
I need this as the server i try to connect to is in a cluster and every machine has its own hostkey. Hope to hear from anyone.



Ok, but the server on the other site only accepts scp so there is no choice for me.

Then you can stop using SSH altogether. You lose most of its security.

it has to the following with a cluster. Let me explain it:
in winscp i connect to but the cluster switches to and I don't know which server i connect to so the hostkey will not work. Because the domain name is always the same but the hostkey is always different.
I put in the ini file StrictHostKeyChecking=no and it now seemed to work.

Re: StrictHostKeyChecking

It does not make sense to store the option into an INI file as it can be changed by the user. Also I do not understand what it has to do with cluster.


How / where can I put the StrictHostKeyChecking=no in the .ini file. I'm using winSCP 3.8.0 (build 312).
I need this as the server i try to connect to is in a cluster and every machine has its own hostkey. Hope to hear from anyone.

