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Re: copy old versions of files?

Sorry, I have no clue.

Re: copy old versions of files?

martin wrote:

WinSCP doesn't do that, there must be something else.

I insist, I d'ont know how and why but sometimes WINSCP show the old file.
I am workind form a WXP to a cluster of LINUX machines. Should be the problem due to the fact that the new file can have a time in the future (not all linux nodes have the same time).

thank you,

Re: copy old versions of files?

WinSCP doesn't do that, there must be something else.

copy old versions of files?

Hi ,
I was using the 3.7.4 version and I encounter an erron when doing drag and drop.
I copy a file from the server to my PC. The file on the server is changed and i again copy that file to my PC. But the software copy the old version and not the new. It is possible that he store the transfered file somewhere, and if I ask for a new transfer he use this version instead of reading on the server?
