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winscp.exe /hostkey=*

ArtemNerin, bro, I understand your pain.
I wish I could never see that warning. Security on local addresses doesn't bother me at all. Unfortunately, I have to suffer. -hostkey=* works fine
winscp.exe /hostkey=* doesn't work when using the GUI.

And when you use a tunnel and "Open in PuTTY" with port 5000X, you always get a warning. Always. There is no way to disable or bypass.

But anyway winSCP is the best tool for Windows. Good luck and life to the team.

So again, the official PuTTY does not have that option. And for a good reason.
I use PuTTY from this site

            store automatically the servers ssh keys

It is very comfortable

There's no -auto-store-sshkey in Plink either.

Sorry, my mistake

I mean plink.exe from PuTTY.

@ArtemNerin: What "scp" has -auto-store-sshkey? Definitely not the OpenSSH scp.

But auto accept will be good.
Have to just add checkbox menu where you can enable or disable autostore sshkey
The same as -auto-store-sshkey for scp.

You cannot disable the host key prompt. Verifying the host key is an integral part of SSH security.

Enable checkbox for current connection
Just click Login and Connect to the server.
I want to not see a pop-up warning window.
"Continue connecting to an unknown server and add its host key to a cache?"
I have to press YES every time many times a day

Sorry, that's not a clear answer to my question. + Can you explain us what are you trying to achieve?

I make a lot of connections to configure devices. I always use one profile; I just change the IP. Autosave checkbox would save me from routine

WinSCP GUI does not have such option. What do you need it for?

auto store sshkey without requests

ArtemNerin wrote:

just point in program

I do not understand.
Are you asking how to stop WinSCP from asking user to verify the SSH host key? Or how to provide the host key in advance, so that WinSCP won't have to ask?

just point in program

Re: How to setup WinSCP accept the expected host key automatically (not scripting)

So where, if "not scripting"?

How to setup WinSCP accept the expected host key automatically (not scripting)

How to setup WinSCP accept the expected host key automatically
Can't find option in setting menu