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Topic review


Sent email response with some follow up bugs, but step in the right direction! Let's get er' done :D

Re: Controls vanish after remote sync started in 'new window' and then 'minimized to system tray'

This bug has been added to the tracker:

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: Controls vanish after remote sync started in 'new window' and then 'minimized to system tray'

Thanks for your report. I'll look at this and I'll contact you in few days.

Controls vanish after remote sync started in 'new window' and then 'minimized to system tray'

To reproduce:
1. Open 'Keep remote directory up to date' modal
2. After setup, select 'Start in New Window' option.
3. In the status modal, select 'Minimize to System Tray'

The modal vanishes, no tray icon appears and until you close the main window you cannot stop the process, nor restore the window.