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Topic review


wrzlbrmpft wrote:

Alright, thanks for your quick answer.
Is this a limitation of SCP or might you consider implementing it for SCP mode at some later stage, too?

It can be implemented in SCP mode too eventually.

Alright, thanks for your quick answer.
Is this a limitation of SCP or might you consider implementing it for SCP mode at some later stage, too?

Re: Is 'synchronize timestamp only' not supported in scp mode?

Yes, it is supported for SFTP only. I'll update the documentation.

Is 'synchronize timestamp only' not supported in scp mode?

I have checked the documentation, faq and the forum but I cannot find an answer to why I cannot enable 'synchronize timestamp only, not files' when connected to a server that does not allow sftp but only allows scp. This option is just always greyed out.
It works fine on another server (with sftp), and upload of files to the scp-only server works fine, too, including setting of the correct preserved timestamp.

Am I missing something?