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Re: Installation package Win SCP 4.3.4 vs. Checksum

Thanks for your post.

I have updated the release notes to include the ...nocandy.exe and explanation of the difference:

Installation package Win SCP 4.3.4 vs. Checksum

Hi, the "Installation package" for WinSCP 4.3.4 links to winscp434setupnocandy.exe whereas the checksums provided for v4.3.4 is for winscp434setup.exe - and does not match. Since I use SFTP instead of FTP for Security reasons I'ld like to be sure that I do get what I want... Could you also supply a checksum for winscp434setupnocandy.exe (and explain the difference to winscp434setup.exe which is also available on sourceforge?)

By the way... really great work! I love this tool.