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Topic review


Dear SSH Dumbo.
of course, i understand. But if i want to use that functions for my iphone, what can i do to use it???

thank you. OmegaSpy is very great, now i can use the functions Find me and Find my friend on my iphone. thank so much ^^

Omegaspy software that maybe you need. you use free GPS function software to find iPhone
SSH Dumbo


U have to understand that the reason apple makes a new product is because it can do more things than the previous. iPhone 4 has that function- not 3G. :(

[cydia] need help

the functions FIND ME and FIND MY FRIEND only supported for iphone 4 and new serial. Don't support for my iphone (3g), so what i can do, if i want to use the same functions of Apple?? can you give me some way to solve my problem. Thank everybody.