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Re: The solution proposed not work in my case

guest_mik wrote:

I check all in this url :

The firewall is disabled, i have a static ip adress, I am in a ssis job, I not have ssh service to restart. Everything work fine since 3 days, nothing change in the configuration of my server.

Somebody had another solution????

Did you solve the problem? If yes, how?
I have the same problem...

The solution proposed not work in my case

I check all in this url :

The firewall is disabled, i have a static ip adress, I am in a ssis job, I not have ssh service to restart. Everything work fine since 3 days, nothing change in the configuration of my server.

Somebody had another solution????

rockinghorse2 wrote:

In case some poor soul comes across this problem in the future, I was able to fix this problem by restarting my SSH service on the remote server machine (the linux one). I noticed that when I was restarting it, it kept giving me messages about ssh rsa key and dsa keys not having the right permissions or something, so I had to individually chmod to the right permissions. Not sure how this happened within 1 week as the computer isn't touched at all, but computers will be computers something always goes wrong without user doing anything or even being in the office for a whole week.

Thanks for sharing your solution!

Hi everyone,

In case some poor soul comes across this problem in the future, I was able to fix this problem by restarting my SSH service on the remote server machine (the linux one). I noticed that when I was restarting it, it kept giving me messages about ssh rsa key and dsa keys not having the right permissions or something, so I had to individually chmod to the right permissions. Not sure how this happened within 1 week as the computer isn't touched at all, but computers will be computers something always goes wrong without user doing anything or even being in the office for a whole week.

So if this happens to you, try restarting the SSH service. Might seem obvious to pro users, but to n00bs like me I didn't even know SSH had a service that was running.


hi prikiyl,

Yes, this was the first place I consulted. However, I am not running any firewalls or keepalives. Like I said, it worked fine one day and stopped working the next (without me changing anything).


also, I am able to access the internet on both computers and ping both computers from one another with no loss.

On a side note, does anyone know how I can edit my original post instead of posting continuous replies? Thanks!

just wanted to add, when I do ifconfig on my Linux computer it shows the correct ipaddress within my network. Both of the computers are sitting right here and connected through a netgear router to the rest of our network.

Also I get the same error message for both WinSCP and Putty, it comes up right away after trying to log in.

Network error: Software caused connection abort


I am getting this error:

"Network error: Software caused connection abort"

when trying to remote into my Linux machine from my Windows XP one today. Nothing has changed on my end since I last came in (last week). All of the sudden I can't log into the Linux computer (and I need to) through WinSCP or Putty.

Does anyone know why this is? I've searched alot, but only found answers regarding iPhones etc...

Obviously I do not have Windows Firewall on, and like I said, have made no changes since I last used the computer last week.

Any suggestions?
