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It would be a neat feature if possible, since there are lots of editors out there that outclass the internal editor, even with all the plugins possible.

Far API does not support "Upload after every save" at all. The feature was hacked-in for the WinSCP plugin. But it does not work for esternal editors. It can possibly be added even for them.

It is not supported by the plugin itself, but can be implemented, or can't be implemented due to missing functionality in the Far API?

Re: Possible bug: Save from external editor doesn't upload

This is not supported by the FAR plugin.

Possible bug: Save from external editor doesn't upload

I'm trying to setup Notepad++ as an external editor, by using the following command:

"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" !.!

It works fine for local files. Though, when I'm trying to edit files on an external server, the file is downloaded and opened in notepad++ properly, but when I save it, it's not uploaded to the server if the "Upload after every save" option is checked.

Any solution for this?