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Re: Network Error: Software caused connection abort

Can you connect with any other SFTP client?

Network Error: Software caused connection abort

I am immediately getting this error on a laptop connected via wireless through a netgear router. When I couldn't connect with the laptop I switched to a desktop hardwired through the wireless router. I downloaded WinSCP onto the desktop (did not have WinSCP previously installed) and tried connecting there. The same thing happens, I immediately get this error. I am tryng to connect with SFTP protocol. If I try FTP the connection times out. I have turned off my firewall and anti-virus(Norton) but that did not help. Windows firewall is also off. I can ping the server with no problem.

Can anyone help? I need to get this running so my wife can transfer some files. She swears, it has worked on her laptop before. She also says that when she got this error once in the past I "did something to the wireless router" but I have no recollection of that. Any ideas? I read the troubleshooting information but that didn't help.

Thanks, George