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Topic review


Re: Rename is ok, but call dosn't work

Command call also runs on the remote side. So you cannot delete a local file with it.

Rename is ok, but call dosn't work

I can make a rename, but I must do it on the remote directory.
Like this:

put -delete test.txt
mv test.txt top.txt
get -delete top.txt

But call doesnt't work, please give me an answer or better an explain as soon as possible.

Thank's a lot.

Problems witch command call and mv

Hi I wrote a script, but it doesn't work. After testing i would like to present two little problems.
I can't rename a file and alsow not delete all files. If you don't know what i want to do with my file: It's only a test file for my understanding.
Thank's a lot.

option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary

open ftp://......

cd /Test

lcd C:\TEMP\Test1

mv test.txt C:\TEMP\Test1\top.txt

call del C:\TEMP\Test1\* /q
