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Topic review


I will look into that solution. I honestly never considered batch automation.
Thank you.


I maintain a local PC set of log files from 5 remote host servers that I update on a daily basis. I use WinSCP to move and append the remote log file contents to the local files, creating a new set at the end of the month.

This action keeps the files on my remote host small and I can view and parse the local files faster.

The size of the files vary from under 1k to as much as 5MB to 10MB. There can be as few as 5 files to as many as 30 files in a day. I currently do at the end of the day across 5 different host environments.

Being able to initiate an 'appending move' of these files would be very productive for me.


Re: Add 'Append All' on file move confirmation dialog

Can you tell us your use case for this?

Add 'Append All' on file move confirmation dialog

It would be very useful to have an Append All choice on the confirmation popup dialog so that we wouldn't be required to baby-sit thru all the 'appending' file moves clicking on the Append button for each file.

Is it possible to add this feature sometime in the near future?

Thank you