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Re: cd to upper level moves cursor to the '..' item

vlad wrote:

with new version when I change directory back one level higher, far cursor supposed to stay on the directory where I cd out from, but instead it stays on '..' item.

I have noted it already too. I'll fix it.



just got this phantom error, while it was calculating dir size before copying dir structure

╔═════ Error ══════╗
║ EAccessViolation ║
║ Ok ║
╚═══════════ ═══════╝

I could not reproduce it again by copying the same dirs... it's one of these random errors that pop up ocasionally and that I told u about earlier.


cd to upper level moves cursor to the '..' item

Hi Martin,

with new version when I change directory back one level higher, far cursor supposed to stay on the directory where I cd out from, but instead it stays on '..' item.
