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Re: How to get user prompt?

martin wrote:

It is not GUI assembly. So the only thing that can be added is event that it triggered when WinSCP is veryfing the key. Only thing I fear is that people would abuse it to accept any host key.

OK. I want WinSCP to prompt the user the first time it sees a new host key. I know how to do that from command-line, I just haven't been able to figure out how to do that directly from scripting/automation or .NET assembly. In particular it would be very convenient if this can be supported from .NET assembly. For now, I'm invoking a WinSCP command-line shell under a new Process, but using .NET assembly would be much nicer. Thanks.

Re: How to get user prompt?

It is not GUI assembly. So the only thing that can be added is event that it triggered when WinSCP is veryfing the key. Only thing I fear is that people would abuse it to accept any host key.

How to get user prompt?

Hello, in using the new .NET assembly, is there a way to have it prompt the user (e.g. pop up a MessageBox) to accept the host key? Thanks.