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Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds@winscp5

I'am using 2 ssh servers with winscp:
1. a Linux server - authentification via password
2. copSSH@Win7 PC - authentification via ppk-key. The key pair was made with your puttygen.exe

Everythink works well from any client in the class B network (client=Win7)

From the client @ my home office (XP), only the the connection with the authentification via password works well.
The connection with the authentification via ppk-key breaks often with "Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds". The first-time automatic reconnection breaks regularly. The second-time attempt to reconnect is REGULARLY successful (!). The breaks happen not only while copying large files, it happen (sometimes) even though only switching the remote directories - means an overloading of the connection is in this case not probable.

This all happens @ winscp 4.3.7. I have tried the beta version 5.0.6 with "Optimize connection buffer size" turned off. Noticeable is the very slow start - establishing the connection with key authentification. Only the second attampt to establish the connection is successful (regularly). The establishing of the connection functions @ 4.3.7 regularly the first time. The breaks happen also @ 5.0.6, only the reconnection takes longer.

It must be a systematical problem.

Best regards

Jiri Spale