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Re: PostRe: request of proxy settings in command line options

paulchin wrote:

Thanks for the reply, According to the Documentation it is only supported in the latest beta release, is it still the case? 5.0.6 beta?


PostRe: request of proxy settings in command line options

Thanks for the reply, According to the Documentation it is only supported in the latest beta release, is it still the case? 5.0.6 beta?

Parameter /rawsettings allows configuring any session settings using raw format as in an INI file. E.g. to enable SSH compression and agent forwarding use /rawsettings Compression=1 AgentFwd=1. This feature is available only in the latest beta release.

request of proxy settings in command line options


I'll like to request for the proxy settings to be added as in option in the winscp command line options. This will help in scripting as well as integration with other software like kitty which has to ability to open up a winscp session from it's active session.

