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Re: Could not retrieve directory listing error on Empty Folders

Resent. Did you get it?

Re: Could not retrieve directory listing error on Empty Folders

Hi Martin

I don't seem to have got an email yet, sorry.
I did check my spam folder in case.

Can you resend please?


Re: Could not retrieve directory listing error on Empty Folders

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Re: Could not retrieve directory listing error on Empty Folders

Just to update I tried via a mobile (cell-phone) connection to instead of our company firewall, and get the same error on an empty folder.

Could not retrieve directory listing error on Empty Folders


I get error "Could not retrieve directory listing" when using synchronise function, when the folder is empty.
Its not always the same empty folder that fails, but eventually it hits an empty folder and fails.
Logfile attached.
I am using Windows 7 on the client, and windows server 2008 R2 on the server. Protocol is Explicit SSL over FTP.

I get this error if I use the GUI, or via scripting.
Version is WinSCP 5.0.6 beta downloaded today.

I have tries active/passive settings on the client, as well as changing various ftp directory listing settings on the server.

Thanks for the assistance