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Topic review


Re: A scheduled job will not transfer zero length files

I do not see any problem in the log. Are you able to upload empty file using any other SFTP client?

Re: A scheduled job will not transfer zero length files

martin wrote:

Is it the file gph.txt?


Re: A scheduled job will not transfer zero length files

Is it the file gph.txt?

A scheduled job will not transfer zero length files

I have a scheduled process works correctly except that it will not transfer zero length files.
The file transfer method is SFTP and here is the protocol
Session protocol = SSH-2
SSH implementation = SSHD
Encryption algorithm = aes
Compression = No
File transfer protocol = SFTP-3

We are using Version 4.3.7 (Build 1679)

This is the entry in the scheduled batch file
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\winscp.exe" /script=UPSToFtpTest.txt

This is the entries in UPSToFtpTest.txt
option echo on
option batch off
option confirm off
# Connect
open UPSTo_Test
# Download the files
put *.txt
