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Topic review


Prokes wrote:

Martin, I have posted exactly same bug long time ago, but you decided to ignore it. :)

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

martin wrote:

Selecting drive on the drop down menu gets you to the current working directory on that drive. Not to the root directory of that drive. Of course if you are on a D: drive and select C:, it should get you on the C: drive, you should not stay on D:. But I do not see this on your screenshot. Can you please post such screenshot?

Martin, I have posted exactly same bug long time ago, but you decided to ignore it. :)

Selecting drive on the drop down menu gets you to the current working directory on that drive. Not to the root directory of that drive. Of course if you are on a D: drive and select C:, it should get you on the C: drive, you should not stay on D:. But I do not see this on your screenshot. Can you please post such screenshot?
hen s.

hen s. wrote:

I mean that if in dir or drive and I'm selecting C: drive in the drop down nothing happen.
If it's should be like that can you explain why?


hen s.

Spelling Correction:
I mean that if I'm in some dir or other drive like D or E and I'm selecting C: drive in the drop down nothing happen. It's stays in the current dir/drive.
If it's should be like that can you explain why?


hen s.
hen s.

I mean that if in dir or drive and I'm selecting C: drive in the drop down nothing happen.
If it's should be like that can you explain why?


hen s.

Re: Stay in the previous window while clicking on C:

Do you mean that when you are e.g. somewhere on a D: drive and pick C: in the drop down, WinSCP takes you to the current working directory on the C: drive, not to the root? This is by design.
hen s.

Stay in the previous window while clicking on C:


When I'm click on the C: in the GUI it's stays on the current folder and not moving to C:

Screenshots are attached.