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Re: Downloading

martin wrote:

2000 MB is indeed less than 1% of 250 GB.

Yes, you are right and thanks for replying. I'm now home and it has registered 1% having downloaded so although it is slow and a big package, it is definitely downloading.


Re: Downloading

2000 MB is indeed less than 1% of 250 GB.


Hello to everyone, as this is my first posting.

I'm downloading from seedboxes over 250GBs of material, obviously using WinSCP, and it seems to be going well.

However, this morning, some 12hrs after it begun, I checked, and noticed that the downloaded % was still at zero and the rectangular target box is also totally empty. It registered this morning as having downloaded over 2000mbs and it still seemed to be downloading but nothing also seems recorded as having downloaded. The same film title has also remained from the time it started yesterday evening to around 7 a.m. this morning. It is working and simply the overall size of the package that is the reason for my still having zero % downloaded?

The computer I'm writing this on, by the way, is not my home computer.

Thank you, Cliffyboy