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Topic review


Here is the message I keep getting. I also get asked for an authentication password to which I enter my normal password. I haven't used PuTTy before.



Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "trag16".
Access denied
Access denied

Server sent disconnect message
"Too many authentication failures for trag16"

Re: Posting to sourceforge

I connect to SF with WinSCP regularly without any problems. What is an error message? Can you try to login with Putty SSH client?

Posting to sourceforge

I would like to post my website(s) to sourceforge but I can't seem to do it with WinSCP. I don't know which user name/password to use as the only information I was given for uploading was to enter the following to connect.

I already read the previous forum post on this but it still didn't seem to work. I put into the "host" box, and I put my username and password (trag16 is my usrnme, I'm not giving anyone my password)into the correct boxes but it still didn't work
I was told I had too many connection attempts with my username when I tried that but I would like to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong before I try again.

