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Re: Tab completion in Address toolbar

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Tab completion in Address toolbar

When I ssh into a server and start moving around directories and pulling up file names, one of my favorite features is the tab autocomplete. That is, if I'm switching from the home directory to another directory, if I press the tab key once, it completes the next directory level if there are no other matches. If there's more than one match, when I press tab twice, I get a list of options (keeping in mind that linux double checks if I want to to get all matches when there are more than 50 options available).

Could this be implemented in the address bar? So, either:

1. If I type in a partial address and hit tab, it'll either complete the next level or show a list of possible matches?
2. Make directory suggestions as I type in the address bar

I'm not sure if anyone else would find this feature useful, but I thought it I would throw it out there.