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Re: Automatically download data from a list of ip's and rename

You can write a simple script for that, even plain Windows .bat would do.
Or VB code, if you are familiar with that, what I expect from you Excel experience.

The script would iterate over the IPs, executing parameterized WinSCP script for each.

Re: Automatically download data from a list of ip's and rename

Any ideas? Or am I asking the impossible? :oops:

Automatically download data from a list of ip's and rename

I have a list of ip addresses, each has the same username and password. These ip's are for the powerbars here at my workplace.
Each bar's ftp contains a file, data.txt which I need downloading. So my question is 2 fold. Is there a way to automatically download the data.txt from all ip's with a simple double click on an icon on the desktop (need to make it idiot proof). And most importantly, I need these files to be renamed, since they would all be called data.txt. I originally did this in excel. With a column for the ip and a column which told excel to rename it to. For example, Server AMBA1, Server AMBE2 etc. I have about 400.

Can this be done?
All help in this matter is greatly appreciated!