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Re: Does the Quit Command Auto Disconnect Active Sessions First?

dbthings wrote:

1.) Does closing the app with the X while connected to a server automatically disconnect it before the app closes?

Of course.

2.) Is there a way that I haven't found to "Disconnect ALL" so that it will iterate through all the open sessions I have and disconnect them each with the one command?

No, except for the Quit, as you know, but that also closes the application.

Does the Quit Command Auto Disconnect Active Sessions First?

If I am connected to one or more servers and now wish to disconnect and leave the application, I have always executed a Session | Disconnect (CTRL-SHIFT-D) for each session. Then I close the app with the X in the upper righthand corner. However, I was wondering ... I noticed there is the Quit option under the Commands menu. Does that option automatically disconnect any active sessions I have open BEFORE closing the application?

I guess I have two similar curiosities as well:
1.) Does closing the app with the X while connected to a server automatically disconnect it before the app closes?
2.) Is there a way that I haven't found to "Disconnect ALL" so that it will iterate through all the open sessions I have and disconnect them each with the one command?

Thanks in advance for the help.