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Re: Customization Manager for WinSCP

You should rather achieve you goal by appropriate permissions on the remote files/folders.

Customization Manager for WinSCP

WE have a situation, Where we have 2 users for example
user1 and psoft user on unix box.

User1 is a normal regular user in the unix box, With diffrent User ID and Group ID.
Psoft user is the user which runs peoplesoft that has some trace files generated.

What is needed is the user1 need to authenticate to unix box and get his files from psoft user with out entering psoft password.

Hope!! my statements might make some sense to you.
I need a configuration tool to customize WinScp interfact.

1) allow user1 to login using his username and password.
2) the winscp need to login as psoft user automatically with the saved password
3) then user1 can only see the perticular extensions like user1.tracefiles beloging to him and download his files.
no other files should be visible to him other than the mentioned critieria

hope u understand the real need for a configuration tool for winscp.