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Re: .NET Assembly with portable WinSCP version

Using the assembly with portable executable winscp.exe is supported and definitelly preferred over using it with installed executable.

The. dll looks first for the winscp.exe in its folder. Only, if it does not find the .exe there, it falls back to using installed executable.

You can override the lookup using Session.ExecutablePath.

Please see

If you believe it does not work for you as described, please set Session.DebugLogPath and attach or email me the log.

.NET Assembly with portable WinSCP version

So from the documentation and some forum posts i got the information that the portable version can not be used properly if there is already an installed WinSCP on a machine.

I'm a little confused about the .NET wrapper, which only runs with the exact same version of WinSCP.exe
When I try to run my program on a machine that has already a version installed then my program will only work if the machine has incidentially the same version as the dll version I packed with the program.

Is there a solution for this, besides trying to always pack the right dll version?