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Re: Bug with DragExt.dll

I've downloaded sources and found the reason. Martin, In functions
bool RegisterServer(bool AllUsers) and bool UnregisterServer(bool
AllUsers) you forcely use unicode versions of
RegCreateKey (RegCreateKeyW) and RegOpenKeyEx (RegOpenKeyExW).

It's wrong. In Windows 9X those functions are simply stubs in advapi32.dll. They do nothing.
They return ERROR_SUCCESS and didn't change value of HKey passed to them, so next calls to registry write functions write to parent key.

I rewrite DragExt.c for Visual C++ and it works fine now 8)

I've thought that this would be problem with Unicode on 9x. However I haven't found non-Unicode alternative to StringFromGUID2. Can you help me with this?

Re: Bug with DragExt.dll

martin wrote:

Thanks for info. This apparantly happens only to some users. I have not yet found what are the circumstances.

And I guess, apparently with Win9x users.

I've downloaded sources and found the reason. Martin, In functions
bool RegisterServer(bool AllUsers) and bool UnregisterServer(bool
AllUsers) you forcely use unicode versions of
RegCreateKey (RegCreateKeyW) and RegOpenKeyEx (RegOpenKeyExW).

It's wrong. In Windows 9X those functions are simply stubs in advapi32.dll. They do nothing.
They return ERROR_SUCCESS and didn't change value of HKey passed to them, so next calls to registry write functions write to parent key.

I rewrite DragExt.c for Visual C++ and it works fine now 8)

Viacheslav Sheveliov

Re: Bug with DragExt.dll

Thanks for info. This apparantly happens only to some users. I have not yet found what are the circumstances.
Viacheslav Sheveliov

Bug with DragExt.dll

After installing WinSCP version (Win98 Russian) a have problem running Corel Photopaint10 (general protection fault at sturtup). :(

Why WinSCP?

:?: After tracing a problem with Sysinternals's Regmon, I've found, that before GPF Photopaint make calls to WinSCP keys in registry. Why it searches WinSCP keys?

:idea: After searching HKCR\CLSID registry path I've found mistaken keys, which was made by WinSCP's shell extension DragExt.dll, after DllRegisterServer.

:!: Here are those keys

@="WinSCP Shell Extension"




I.e. it writes in root HKCR\CLSID.

Thank you.

Viacheslav Sheveliov
vsheveliov at mail dot ru