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Re: Cannot redirect WinSCP output

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Re: Cannot redirect WinSCP output

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

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Cannot redirect WinSCP output

"Console interface for WinSCP has encountered a problem" appears immediately after I type the password when I redirect the output of WinSCP.

System: Win 7 32-bit Spanish.

Version: just downloaded, 5.1.2.


"c:\Archivos de programa\WinSCP\" /script=x.txt > x.log

Script x.txt contains:

option echo on
option transfer binary
option reconnecttime 5
open s
synchronize remote -delete -mirror -criteria=both c:\data www/data

WinSCP successfully outputs all the usual lines to x.log, including the question "Password:". After I type the password and press Enter, it crashes immediately with no more output.

I have used the same command under Win XP for some years, and it worked (actually I used | mtee /+ x.log, but in my new Win 7 install it does not work either). I don't know how to see the version number I have there on my old Win XP that does work.