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Re: WinSCP 3.5.6 does not work with activated screen-reader

Hello Martin Prikryl,

martin wrote:

Is the software freely available, I need to try it to fix the problem. I haven't found version for WinXP, only for old version of Windows.

I'm afraid there is no free version available, but I could give you the
eMail of one of the lead designers of blindows by pm.

Re: WinSCP 3.5.6 does not work with activated screen-reader

Is the software freely available, I need to try it to fix the problem. I haven't found version for WinXP, only for old version of Windows.

WinSCP 3.5.6 does not work with activated screen-reader

I encountered a problem with this WinSCP-Version, I don't know if it exists in the previous versions.
The program fails to start when the current version of Blindows (v3.2) (a screen-reader for blind people, afaik most common windows-based screen-reader in germany) is enabled. It throws this error:
"Error reading ExplorerImage->Bitmap: Failed to read ImageList data from stream"
When Blindows is disabled the program works flawlessly.
It seems that Blindows interferes in the process of image loading to recognize them. This might irritate WinSCP, but it is neccessary as blind people cannot use icons or images. They need a textual representation.
Running the program without a screen-reader is not realy an option.
I hope it can be fixed, because it seems to be a very good program.