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Topic review


Regarding requirements from I-Velozity India Private LTD


We are having a centralized content server in Bangalore which is loaded with huge no of media files. There are regional servers in Chennai,Delhi and Mumbai the content is transferred from centralized server to regional server through FTP.

We are planning to upgrade the entire setup.

We are looking for a software / hardware solution which should have following capabilities:

1. Should establish a secured connection between centralized server and regional server. ( channel should be encrypted ).
2. Should encrypt the content which is being transferred. ( encrypted content should be transported over secured channel.)
3. GUI admin panel .

The majority of the contents are in MPEG2 , TS , MPEG4 HD, MKV formats which are of various sizes range from 400 MB to 8 GB.

Does your product meet our requirement?.

If so suggest me how to use.

Uma Hegde