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Re: Connecting to FTP server via proxy details

Have you tried it without the spaces?
open ftpusername:@taic#$@ -rawsettings ProxyMethod=3 ProxyHost= ProxyPort=8099

Also can you connect from GUI?

Connecting to FTP server via proxy details

I have a FTP server wherein the following operations needs to be performed:

FTP Server Details:
Ftp Server :
Ftp Username: ftpusername
Ftp Pwd : @taic#$

Local Proxy Details
Proxy Host:

Here is the command line:

winscp> open ftpusername:@taic#$@ -rawsettings ProxyMethod=3 Proxy
Host= ProxyPort= 8099

After running the script I get following in console:
Searching for host...
Network error: Cannot assign requested address

Is it possible to connect to ftp server via proxy details if yes kindly help in getting this resolved

Thanks & Regards