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Synchronize - File Mask Not Ignoring Subdirectories


I am using the executable with command line arguments. I am running Windows 7 and simply running this command from the command prompt. I have tried everything I can think of, but I cannot seem to get the command to exclude subdirectories when syncing. The sync command works just fine and transfers the files, but then it continues on to the subdirectories, which I do not want. I looked all over the forums and tried the filemask="/*" argument, but can't seem to figure it out. Here is the command I'm using. How do I get it to ignore subdirectories?
E:\ /command "open """"" "synchronize local -mirror ""-filemask=*.zip"" ""E:\Inbound\"" ""/Site/Files/""" "exit"

I'm using the latest version of WinSCP (5.1.4). The site is FTP protocol with SSL Explicit encryption. Thanks a million!