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Topic review


Sounds good! Thank you very much for the information, Mr. Přikryl.

Re: "Rename" is missing at the right-click-menu in local window

Thanks for your report. Will check.
Though note that in upcoming 5.2, the system context menu will be replaced with built-in menu that does not suffer the problem.

Does noone have an idea? Is it a bug?

"Rename" is missing at the right-click-menu in local window


when I'm doing some action in the remote window and want to rename then a file/directory in the local window, "Rename" is missing at the right-click-menu! It's only shown again, if I left-click in the local window or a file/directory first (or two times with right mouse button there).

I'm using WinSCP 5.1.4 on Windows 7.
