"Network error: Software caused connection abort"
Sometimes I can get through the upload, but most of the times I get the error "Network error: Software caused connection abort"; The SSH server is on port 10022. Please help me with somework around or mitigation to solve this issue, it is taking down my nerves.
Winscp version : 4.3.7 and latest also
Widnows Version : Windows 2008 R2 & windows 2003 R2 STD x64
Tranfser Protocol : SFTP->Fallback SCP
Type of execution : Scripting/GUI
Error : "Network error: Software caused connection abort"
File : Update.txt
Script : # Automatically abort script on errors
option batch abort
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
Open sftp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:10022 -timeout=6000 -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 e4:56:3b:2c:a1:e1:22:f1:cf:06:ee:6c:4a:82:e1:9a"
# Change remote directory
cd /DSC/ActiveDirectory/toAspera
# Change Local directory
lcd "C:\xxxExport"
Option transfer binary
put "xxxxx.csv"
put "xxxx.csv"
winscp.com /script=update.txt /explicitssl /timeout=1200 > data.log
Data.log file
batch abort
confirm off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "xxxxxxxxxxxx".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] williamslea@xxxxxxx.xxx.com
transfer binary
f2076_UIN_xxxxxx.csv | 20 KiB | 0.8 KiB/s | binary | 2%
Network error: Software caused connection abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (5 s): Reconnect
Winscp version : 4.3.7 and latest also
Widnows Version : Windows 2008 R2 & windows 2003 R2 STD x64
Tranfser Protocol : SFTP->Fallback SCP
Type of execution : Scripting/GUI
Error : "Network error: Software caused connection abort"
File : Update.txt
Script : # Automatically abort script on errors
option batch abort
option confirm off
# Connect using a password
Open sftp://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:10022 -timeout=6000 -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 e4:56:3b:2c:a1:e1:22:f1:cf:06:ee:6c:4a:82:e1:9a"
# Change remote directory
cd /DSC/ActiveDirectory/toAspera
# Change Local directory
lcd "C:\xxxExport"
Option transfer binary
put "xxxxx.csv"
put "xxxx.csv"
winscp.com /script=update.txt /explicitssl /timeout=1200 > data.log
Data.log file
batch abort
confirm off
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...
Using username "xxxxxxxxxxxx".
Authenticating with pre-entered password.
Starting the session...
Reading remote directory...
Session started.
Active session: [1] williamslea@xxxxxxx.xxx.com
transfer binary
f2076_UIN_xxxxxx.csv | 20 KiB | 0.8 KiB/s | binary | 2%
Network error: Software caused connection abort
(A)bort, (R)econnect (5 s): Reconnect