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Topic review


SarahY wrote:


I am a beginner and would like to use Windows Task Scheduler to automatically download files (e.g. pdf files) from one location (root/logs folder) to another (user/sarah/documents/log). I have read the 'Schedule File Transfer' guide and have tried using the following in the 'add arguments' box:

/command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open ftp://user:password@IPaddress" "get /root/Logs/*.pdf C:\Users\Sarah\Documents\Log\" "exit"

Could you please advise me where I went wrong? Thanks.

All fixed, turns out it should have been "Logs/*..." instead of "/root/Logs/..." :)


I am a beginner and would like to use Windows Task Scheduler to automatically download files (e.g. pdf files) from one location (root/logs folder) to another (user/sarah/documents/log). I have read the 'Schedule File Transfer' guide and have tried using the following in the 'add arguments' box:

/command "option batch abort" "option confirm off" "open ftp://user:password@IPaddress" "get /root/Logs/*.pdf C:\Users\Sarah\Documents\Log\" "exit"

Could you please advise me where I went wrong? Thanks.

create a winscp command script

open MITTEAM@ -------this has to be a saved session in your winscp
option confirm off
option batch continue
option transfer binary
synchronize local E:\Logs\ /Incoming ---------sync the "/Incoming" on with E:\Logs,

you can call this script by a bat file and later can add the bat file to the windows scheduler to schedule
"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\" /script="D:\Softy\LOGDOWNLOAD\pull.tar" /log="E:\Logs\Trace\pull_%dtStamp%.log"

here i'm logging the details using log="E:\Logs\Trace\pull_%dtStamp%.log, this is option if you dont need


Windows Task Scheduler

Hi everyone I'm new WINSCP and from what I can tell I really enjoy using it. I'm having problems using the Windows Task Scheduler to Winscp and FTP a file over to a Unix server by automation. It seems like I can't get it over, but doing it manually. I'm thinking that its bombing on the Winscp commands part when it brings up another command line for Winscp, but I'm not completely sure. Any ideas?

I currently have Windows Task Scheduler openning up Winscp to a Saved session, but it doesn't or I can't figure out how to get it to copy a file over automated.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe"