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Re: How to remember password when save files in WinSCP

Do I understand right that you need to use a different password each time? Then there's no solution for you. WinSCP uses different connection to upload saved file. So it has to authenticate again.

How to remember password when save files in WinSCP

Unfortunately I spent several hours trying to fix this recent problem with WinSCP.
I'm using it on a small netbook equipped with XP.
The issue is that each time I open a file directly into the server with which I'm connected to, and then I modify and save it, the prompt appears asking me again for the password. For me it's very boring because actually I have a limited list of different password to use each time I have to connect to this server (for administrative reasons) , so in this way I waste my passwords much more times than I would have do.
I already tried to active the option "Remember password in main session for background transferts", but the problem remains.:( :(
Please is there somebody could help me?