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Re: WinSCP, `Last` and Feature request

winrar wrote:

I'm not quite sure the intricate details of `last`, but WinSCP somehow doesn't show up when a user uploaded files; and upon execution the `last` command the user login time is not logged, is there a way to change this?

What do your mean by "Last"?

In Short: Is it possible to watch for signals or hWnd commands to query latest file transfer information and such?

The closest you can get to this is by inspecting WinSCP XML log:

WinSCP, `Last` and Feature request


I would like to show my gratitude towards your awesome software. I have used WinSCP for many years and have used almost every feature possible with this software. I have even deployed it in a Non-profit registered charity for local office backup. It is splendid software that works flawlessly.

I have two questions, one:
I'm not quite sure the intricate details of `last`, but WinSCP somehow doesn't show up when a user uploaded files; and upon execution the `last` command the user login time is not logged, is there a way to change this?

Another question:
Do you plan on implementing external 'querying' api? Similar to how sending the -USR1 signal to DD outputs statistics? This would be handy to be able to query WinSCP using foreign software to find see file transfers and such. I love the GUI, but it's way to flexible for most people to handle, and there is no real way to 'restrict' it from people just 'closing the window'.

In Short: Is it possible to watch for signals or hWnd commands to query latest file transfer information and such?

Thanks Martin,
