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Please ignore. There were several orphaned WinSCP.exe processes still running from previous testing, they must have had a lock on the files I was trying. This is not a bug. I've successfully tested this functionality today.

Also, this issue occurs with .hed, .idx, .inf, and .tad files. Don't ask me what they are, all I know is that I have to send them. Thanks again for all your help!

I'd like to add that I've just downloaded the latest library and portable executable and the issue still persists.

.NET PutFiles() Generating Exception - Uncommon File Type

Hi all, I'm looping through several folders and uploading each folder to a specific mapping on an SFTP server:

If operationType = "FTPUpload" Then

                    For Each folderName As String In Directory.GetDirectories(_unzippedPath)
                        Dim folder As New DirectoryInfo(folderName)

                        If folder.Name = "g0067905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/07 Dentifrice/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c0156915" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c1211905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c1160905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c1841905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/New_NS/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c0471905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/NewFACECARE06/"
                        ElseIf folder.Name = "c1340905" Then
                            remotePath = "/Test/"
                            Throw New Exception("Invalid folder name! No path mapping found for " & folderName)
                        End If

                        For Each fileName As String In Directory.GetFiles(folderName)
                            transferResult = session.PutFiles(fileName, remotePath, False, transferOptions)

                            For Each transfer In transferResult.Transfers
                                AppSettings.log.Info(transfer.FileName & " uploaded successfully.")

This works well for the first couple files in the folder, which are .doc and .xml files, but then it reaches a file with an extension .chr and generates the following on transferResult.Check():

Error transferring file 'C:\Test\Unzipped\c0156915\c0156915.chr'.

Initially, I thought that it might have trouble overwriting files, but I know that the .doc and .xml files have been overwriting successfully.

I realize that it's probably the file extension that's causing the issue. I've tried setting the transferOptions.TransferMode to Binary and Automatic, but neither has provided a workaround.

Is there anything else I can provide that would make debugging this easier? Am I just doing something incorrectly?
